- Henri Tomasi : "Evocations" for solo English Horn
Henri Tomasi : "Evocations" for solo English Horn
for unaccompanied English Horn
by Henri Tomasi (1901-1971) - French composer
3.Cambodgienne (Asparas)
The version for oboe and the version for English horn are identical (same printed pitch, English horn will obviously sound one fifth lower).
Tomasi was born in Marseille, but his Father and Mother were originally from La Casinca in Corsica. Despite being pressured into musical studies by his parents, he dreamed of becoming a sailor, and during the summer, he stayed with his Grandmother in Corsica where he learnt traditional Corsican songs. However, in 1921, he began his studies at the Paris Conservatoire. Tomasi did not forget his Corsican routes, often incorporating themes of the songs he had learnt during the summers with his Grandmother in to his compositions.
Duration: 9:15